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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How can we know? Is it possible to know if God, our Purpose?

The following is a response to a student’s thoughts on religion.  The student believes all religions are equal, that it is not known whether or not life exists after death.  That religion is more determinant on ones upbringing rather than a search for truth.  That nothing can be known to be true, everything is opinion:

Great job, you are definitely thinking through the material.  Let me address some things you have mentioned.  At one point you said that no religions are right or wrong.  If that is true, what is the point of religion?  Also, just as an example of two religions getting completely different answers to the same question; Jesus is a central figure in both the Bible/Christian religion and the Qur’an/Muslim religion.  The Bible says he died on the cross.  The Qur’an says he did not.  Which is true?  Both answers cannot be true, thus both religions are not equally correct.

To state that many have different names for God all around the world means that you must believe it is possible for some to know whether or not God and or which God.  Otherwise it is not logical to even give credit to all the names that people have come up with.  

You bring up science testing life after death.  But is that possible?  Can science test the metaphysical as it does the physical?  If not, what other tools can we use to determine whether or not it is probable for there to be a life after death?

As far as people being brought up in one religion or another, how many people do you know who have not questioned the religion they were brought up in?  How many of the people have rejected the religion they were taught?  Now, it is true that some religions are less tolerant of those who leave the way, but people still can choose to leave.  This is what gives us free will.

As far as our ability to know truth; if we are incapable of knowing the truth, what purpose is there in any pursuit in life?  If we cannot find truth about our purpose, how do we know what we are doing has any meaning or value, whether it is right or wrong?  Why pursue anything?

Again, great job!  Keep thinking things through.