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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Do some people use Science as a Religion?

The Following is not my view but views from students.  I attempt to explain what it means if their views are correct:

I do not know how many times I have heard something like this: "science is just not there yet."  What, if anything is this other than faith similar to peoples religion.  Having a faith, a belief that one day science will become the answer to all of human mysteries.  This is no longer taking a look at something physical and saying something physical.  Scientists of old would look at the world around them and based on observation extrapolate hypothesis and theories about the universe that are physically testable.  Many scientists still do this.  But there are some who believe that one day science will be able to explain love, hate, good, evil etc…  These things, if science, will one day explain them are only personal preferences of individual minds because they will all be explained based off of empirical data.  Which in truth means they have no meaning because they are subjected to all people and their personal wants, whims desires etc…  Thus, though we in society punish the murderer, rapist, pedophile we do not really have any reason to do so except that many personally do not prefer what they do.  There really is nothing wrong with what they do because morality is a subjective personal preference of an individual mind.  Nor is there a wrong in the next Hitler or any previous tyrant because nothing is wrong.
But some people argue (Sam Harris on TED Talks is one) that science can and should give us values, morality, ethics.  All Sam has done is change the definition of science.  It is no longer just testing the physical world but it is giving us a standard of truth and right, good vs. evil etc…  What this does is prop the eternal universe/multiverse up as god and says come believe in this god vs. an outside the universe god. 
The point is that mankind is still submitting him/herself to something higher than self and saying this is what I follow.  This is completely religious and even has a god to follow.  The eternal universe/multiverse gave us the chance to become morally ethical and truly truth based beings.  This universe gives mankind many chances and many generations of failure because as with all things that occur in this self-sustaining eternal universe, trial and error are essential to getting it right.  The eternal universe/multiverse has had to create multiple universes/multiverses, perhaps billions or trillions or even and incalculable amount of multiverses just so one that could sustain life may occur.  Who knows how many other universes/multiverses have come and allowed for life and either got it more right or less right then the particular universe/multiverse we live in. 
No matter how advanced science gets we humans will never be able to explore in all detail all the potential universes/multiverses out there.  Thus this concept of science being the answer or savior for  the multiverse god for the Atheist is not that unlike Jesus being the savior to the creator god for Christians.
But who cares about this god and why should anyone follow this god?   Once we die we are gone.  Why does it matter if the universe/multiverse god gets conscious sentient beings correct or not?  Why does it matter that we do anything or nothing?  The answer is because that is what the universe/multiverse created us to do.  That is our purpose that our god wants for us and we should want to please our god. If that statement is true, this universe/multiverse god gives humans a little time to make tons of mistakes, and then we are gone without any hope for a future.  Or maybe it is a more gracious god and reincarnates us to live in the future or in another universe/multiverse.  If that is the case this universe/multiverse god is not unlike the Hindu gods of old. 
Logically all Sam Harris is doing is telling you which god he believes in and says the reason he believes in this god is because science tells him to.  But again, science is not just a tool in this universe/multiverse god system; science is now savior and the answer to all human suffering, death etc…
Science the savior will one day make it so we no longer have to die.  We can live infinitely or at least a really long time like a god.  Too bad for all us suckers and all the suckers who did not make it to the age where man understood his god well enough to live for so long. 
I could go on and on.  But logically, the point is, we have not done away with God or the need for God, just changed gods. And this is very religious by definition.

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