main_verify" content="0fbe816ac62d0f3540f77744d40f34f2"/> Reason And Faith Together: Introduction

Tuesday, December 16, 2014



This blog has many purposes. All of which can be summed up in the fact that every human being reading this has capabilities to process, intellectualize and in a coherent way share information. This is one thing that sets us apart from all other animals. Another thing that sets us apart is our capability to believe or put our faith in something.

Now many people choose which they want more, reason or faith. But this blogs main goal is to show how we all use faith and reason constantly to express our positions on things. Many atheists use science like religion and many theists use religion like science.  The purpose of this Blog is to make us think.  It is impossible to live life void of reason or faith.  All of us are constantly using both whether we realize it or not. In fact a well balanced relationship between the two leads to understanding.

We must challenge ourselves, are presuppositions.  Can any question asked with an open mind and heart lead to fallacy?  Can any truth undo the truth?  Why be fearful of the unknown?  Come reason with me and let us see what is most deserving of our faith.

We all use reason and faith together (raf-together).   

If you have any questions or want to see a particular topic addressed please contact me through the site.  Learning is a life long adventure and I appreciate whatever input you may have to offer. 

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